House Beautiful | What Design Trends Defined This Decade?


In the 1970s, Americans swathed their living rooms in shag rugs and outfitted kitchens with avocado-colored appliances, which they set on the formica counters that had defined 1960s. In the '90s, wood paneling covered finished basements, while the early '00s brought yellow oak cabinetry and that ever-controversial open-concept floor plan. As can be said for fashion, every past decade has had its distinctive looks and while this one comes to a close, [Carrie Bradshaw voice] we can’t help but wonder: What will design enthusiasts someday call the defining styles of this decade?

I looked to the experts, surveying a slew of our favorite designers, from the folks who have seen several decades of design go by to those who have begun their careers in this decade. Spoiler alert: They had a lot to say.